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What is it?
Wallpapers is a collection of wallpaper strips drawn by graphic artists and designers. Conceived to be used and installed vertically or horizontally, they are all deployed in the width of a single strip of 50cm.
Midway between illustration and trompe l’oeil, some models look for a space in this very vertical format to deploy ornamental or narrative proposals (Tado, Coco Tassel, Ryan Cox, Pandarosa, Mark Verhaagen), while others take the reverse track of opening new paths, looking for new uses to renew wallpaper. Thus Ich&Kar propose a learning or overhaul of the multplication and Bescherelle tables, matali crasset and Frederick Grasser Hermé propose installing a sauce tree in the kitchen to accommodate your everyday dishes with simple recipes, and Ana Mir and Emili Padros tear us away from work to recall us to our physical needs of stretching and exercising …
Other proposals bring out the qualities and subtleties of the drawings of graphic artists and artists like Florence Manlik, Anamorphée and Leslie David.
A French invention, panoramic wallpaper has gone through several waves of crazes, most often related to the health of the wallpaper industry. Its very first appearance goes back to the end of the 18th century, its expansion to the Restoration and its last breaths in the 1970/1980s. Considered to be old-hat at the end ofthe 1980s by an exaggeration of its initial interest, to open a artificial window to a realistic or fantasyexterior, the style disappeared with the photographic models caricaturing the natures of the «Four Seasons» (snow-capped summits, flamboyant sunsets, etc.) Scenic Wallpapers propose rehabilitating and reintroducing monumental decors with panoramic wallpaper by making a clean sweep of the photographic tracks explored in the past and by proposing about 10 artists, designers or graphic artists to create contemporary decors which today can justify rehabilitating this type of decor. Imagined and designed by +41, Coco Tassel, Dylan Martorell, Elisabeth Arkhipoff, Geneviève Gauckler, Ich & Kar, Jeremyville, Jon Burgerman, Klaus Haapaniemi, Kustaa Saksi, Mark Verhaagen, matali crasset, Pandarosa, Pierre Marie, Rolito, Ryan Cox, Studio Job, Tado, Timorous beasties the decors in this initial collection economise on large openings to landscapes that are sometimes dreamlike,or introspective, urban or pastoral, nostalgic or prospective and, most of the time, on a nature or a world dreamed of and inhabited by fantasy creatures. Printed on high-quality intissé paper, each decor is 4 metres wide by 3 metres high and comes in the form of eight strips to be assembled. All the decors can be cut downwards and across to adapt to all sizes of walls.
Limited edition to 100 numbered pieces per year and signed by the artist.